Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ah, Typewriters!

When I saw the Etsy Blog post today "Long Live the Typewriter" I dropped everything to read it.  I have always been fascinated with typewriters, ever since I would play for hours with my sister on my grandmother's electrical one in her apartment.  In 4th grade, I would type letters back and forth to my best friend once my parents found one they had in our basement.  When I was 11 I wanted one of the black, classic manual typewriters, and finally came across one in 12th grade at my church's garage sale.  I took this Royal home, and clean it up, bought a new ribbon, and sits prominently on my desk!

That's when I obtained another one, almost instantly, because Nancy (my to-be boss at the time) told me that I could have the one that was hidden away in a house she was helping to clean out.  This Remington typewriter has been doused in soapy water by my grandfather, and still needs some work, but is still beautiful.

Then, while at Juniata, my former college in PA, my mom and I came across my pink Royal portable typewriter in a thrift shop on my birthday!  It was meant to be, since I actually had wanted a typewriter at school with me!

During this past summer, Nancy came into the consignment shop and said to me "Was it you or your sister who collects typewriters?"  I gleefully said it was me and she told me she had a surprise for me.  She opened the typewriter case, and gave me my third Royal, the twin boy to my pink royal.

I personally think that everyone should have a typewriter.  They are great to type out anything :)

Here's the Etsy blog post I'm referring to:

1 comment:

  1. You need to take cute pictures of your pink and blue Royals! I don't remember what your pink one looks like. :)

